
Walking and Standing
Peggy Wyar Peggy Wyar

Walking and Standing

Before we move on to walking with Jesus, I wanted to remind you that sitting in Christ is of utmost importance (according to the book, Sit, Walk, Stand, by Watchmen Nee).  That is our position as a believer, to be in Him. I think Jesus tells us something of our need for sitting and resting in Him in this passage:

Mark 2:27-28 “Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

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Sit… First Thing
Peggy Wyar Peggy Wyar

Sit… First Thing

As I listened to three wonderful women discuss chapter one of Ephesians, I was reminded of a sweet little book by Watchmen Nee called Sit, Walk, Stand. I was able to find my copy and began to read it. Thanks to Holy Spirit I was reminded of something within the first few pages of starting it.

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Waiting, Healing…
Richard Widener Richard Widener

Waiting, Healing…

I sometimes read something in the Bible and the Holy Spirit will remind me of another scripture that seems totally unrelated. As I look at the new scripture there will be a word or phrase that seems highlighted. If I take the time to follow the trail that He wants to take me on, I am given an insight or a picture or an encouragement that I would have missed had I stayed on the path of my own understanding. The following thoughts are a path that the Spirit of God led me down, and I am so glad He did.

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Sounds of Silence
Richard Widener Richard Widener

Sounds of Silence

As I was sitting on my front porch I was aware of how quiet it seemed…no talking, no music, no phone, and no television to upset the stillness.  I began to listen, hoping to hear from God, but became aware of other sounds.  The plaintive train whistle, the birds singing in their choir, the cheers of a distant ball game all became the background noise to the gentle whisper of God’s sweet message to me.

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He Condemns Me; He Condemns Me Not?
Peggy Wyar Peggy Wyar

He Condemns Me; He Condemns Me Not?

As a friend and I were processing how God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible, I sensed shame was prevalent within them, so I made this comment:

           “Why would God, who is pure love, offer His only Son, Jesus, for our Redemption, and then spend the rest of our lives sending us condemning emails and letters?”

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Praying with Jesus
Richard Widener Richard Widener

Praying with Jesus

I have been going through a prayer for prodigals’ devotional book that has been very rich and thought provoking. The last excerpt I read challenged me to pray for the prodigal using John 17 as the model. Before I unpack this, consider who God tells us we are in this scripture:

 1 Peter 2:9-10 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

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Speaking their Language
Peggy Wyar Peggy Wyar

Speaking their Language

As I was reading in Acts recently I began to muse about this world changing event in the second chapter.  The disciples were all gathered together in one place and the promised Holy Spirit arrived as a rushing wind and as tongues of fire. Acts 2:4 NIV tells us, “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”

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Perspectives from My Recovery
Peggy Wyar Peggy Wyar

Perspectives from My Recovery

Here I am at a bit over four weeks after my surgery. I have been reflecting on the love of my Heavenly Father. He knew I needed this recovery time to face the lies my heart has been believing.

You may hear the same inner voices at times saying things like: …

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Peggy Wyar Peggy Wyar


Being so very generous to us, the ones He created and loves, we can imitate God's generosity with those around us. We can be giving of our time, our resources, our prayers, our comfort, our words, our silence… and whatever else may be needed in the moment.

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Clogged Flow
Peggy Wyar Peggy Wyar

Clogged Flow

I had an interesting challenge the other night at my kitchen sink. I was filling up one side of the double sink to wash some dishes in while I began to run the garbage disposal on the other side. Garbage began back flowing into my clean dishwater and then the garbage disposal side began filling and overflowing also. There was a clog somewhere in the pipes below and I had a mess!

As I was scooping dirty water out from both sides of the sink…

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