Then, miraculously, he heard the sound of a single snowmobile coming closer. He looked up (the music swelled) and he knew he was saved!
God Alone is Good
Freedom in the Wilderness
Imagining Ourselves into Worship
We are all born with a soul disease, sometimes hidden, sometimes exposed for all to see. It can seem that we are leprous, having sores and painful scars on us and in us. We can feel like our disease defines us, but we have a choice.
In 2 Kings 5:1, …
Mighty Warriors
We are all born with a soul disease, sometimes hidden, sometimes exposed for all to see. It can seem that we are leprous, having sores and painful scars on us and in us. We can feel like our disease defines us, but we have a choice.
In 2 Kings 5:1, …
Holy Spirit in Us
I was talking with my husband the other day about our newest grandchild who has yet to be born. He is safely enveloped in our daughter’s womb, being fed and cared for through the miracle of God’s design for women as life givers.
New Perspective on a Familiar Story
In the book of Daniel, we are introduced to the conquering King Nebuchadnezzar who besieged Jerusalem and took some of its citizens captive and back to the land of Shinar. Among the captives were Daniel and his three friends, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah all of the tribe of Judah.
Keep Talking
Praying, talking with Jesus, relating to God, having devotions, spending time alone with God - these are phrases that some use to describe the ongoing conversation that one can have with the Creator of all things. Since His children are promised that He is with them (Emmanuel), they can be assured that He hears their communication with Him every minute of each day.
How Much More?
All throughout my life I have been dealing with comparisons. Either I was hearing from the adults in my life: “Why can’t you play sports as well as this person?” or “Why can’t you do what I ask without arguing, like your brother does?” Because I was a sensitive child, feeling like I didn’t measure up to their expectations was hard for me.