“They Have No Wine”

Musings from the Garden

By Peggy Wyar

 I was in the dining room and my husband was in the kitchen. I had just unsuccessfully tried opening the lid on a new container of mustard. While he was in there, I said to him, “I couldn’t get the lid on the mustard opened.”

 His response was, “Okay.”

 It was all that was needed. He opened the mustard which I wanted opened and brought it to me. I said my thanks and we ate our meal. As I thought about our interchange, I realized I never asked him to do it. He heard my need and responded.

 It reminded me of a portion of scripture in John 2. Jesus, His disciples and His mother were at a wedding feast in Cana. The party had been going on for awhile and the hosts had run out of wine. Mary knew just what to do. She said to her Son, Jesus, “They have no wine.”

 She said this because she knew that Jesus listened to her when she talked. She knew He was compassionate and kind. She knew He was able to do something about it. She never questioned His ability or His heart, just as I knew that my husband would hear me and respond to my need.

 Many times I have experienced thinking of some need or desire I might have, and my ever present and loving heavenly Father will give it to me. Is that praying? Or is that wishing? I think that the connection between my spirit and the Holy Spirit is so close that it could be both. I also believe that Father God is good and is very willing to give what is good for me whether I “formally” utter a prayer, or just think it in my heart. He delights in surprising and blessing me, His child. Enjoying His nearness changes my desires so He can respond with a yes to what my heart may be wanting.

 Psalm 37:4 ESV

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

 I am so thankful for a husband who knows me well enough to read between my words to understand what I was saying, and even more grateful for God who sees and hears my heart, and responds.




Redemption of Thorns