Together…To Reach Out…To Care
We are committed to living our lives together for we are made for each other according to the Word of God

We are grateful to our Lord for our new home and many more opportutnities to for minister
Worship and Word at 10:30 AM.
Sunday School will resume Jan. 5, 2025 at 9:30 AM
New Home of
Harvest Christian Church

Knowing Christ
Find the answers to the question of life by taking the first step with the one who created it all.
We are online
First time visitor
We would love to get to know you , pray for you, and support you as you travel your journey.

Upcoming events
Adult Sunday School
We will continue our study of Isaiah Sept. 8. Please join us in Widener Hall. We start at 9:30 AM
Saturday Morning Gatherings
At the church.
Women’s Brunch
First Saturday of each month
at 10 AM .Men’s Breakfast
Third Saturday, we meet for breakfast and Bible Study
at 8 AM.

Knowing Christ
There is more to life!
Third Thursday Prayer/Fast
On the third Thursday of each month, we set aside a day as a church to fast and pray for our world, country, state, officials, missionaries, you get the idea. We gather that evening at 6:30 for an hour of prayer together. Join us.
Reflections on Life
Brian Jakowski reflects on life.
Musings from the Garden
Thoughts, meditations, studies, and some thinking out loud regarding our Book of Life - The Bible.